JANUARY 31 2018

Super Moon and Eclipse

January 31 at 8:27 AM EST the sky will be graced with a rare yet profound event with multiple facets and Cosmic energy to support change, collective and personal consciousness shifts, and not without some chaos that comes along with these powerful life changing events provided by the Universe.

Detailed descriptions and reviews of these astronomical events are not the highlight of the work of Divinely One. I’m providing a link here to a YouTube video I found to be very informative in a brief synopsis. There are many options for very reputable Astrologers and Astronomers that can give you very specific and helpful information.

The byline for Divinely One is “Where Spirit Meets Life” and the intention behind those words is to bring clarity and valuable use of the ever-changing energy resources within the Cosmic World and how to apply these to daily living. Yes… people still roll their eyes at me when I tell them Astrology, a psychospiritual science, will be taught in the public schools someday soon and probably Numerology too, along with other Ancient Wisdom Teachings being brought back to serve in current times. It doesn’t deter Divinely One from committing to do our part to assist in this evolution of consciousness in these New World times. The smile for me here is I’m grateful to have been born before my chronological time and embrace the realizations of change needed as recognized by the young generations of today. I embrace true evolution of the ancient esoteric tools which point directly to the Truth of “Love Heals All”.

LeoSo what rushed to the surface of perception is the interval since the last Super Blood Blue Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse 150 years ago. It occurred directly following the ratification of the 13th Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, abolishing slavery and involuntary servitude. My question is if the Civil War was really won by the pure strength of military force of the North, or if the final outcome was actually a result of growing higher consciousness of the collective. It was a brutal time in the history of this country, yet daily life experiences today still present some of the same basic inequities. Whether it’s 150 years ago, or the 1960’s and the Civil Rights Act, or current time there’s still the factor of rising consciousness to bring Right Human Relations. May this time of the Super Blood Blue Moon and Lunar Eclipse bring about another leap in collective consciousness to embrace Divine Oneness?

AquariusRight Human Relations is a principle of the Aquarian Age, ruled by the 7th Ray. Synthesized that refers to the changing times and the New World supported by Order and Ceremony…spiritualizing form. The new and electrical energy (Uranus) is integrated into collective consciousness where individuals refine their personalities in order to beneficially contribute to the group progression. We each hold a piece of the puzzle to bring forth Modern Times with Dignity, Respect, Acceptance, and the sole (Soul) expression of Love.

Ray 7 uniquely explains “As Above So Below”. By spiritualizing form, the inner reality (Soul) is expressed in outer life. As we open to and embrace the energies now flowing through the Universe, as a collective, consciousness can make another great leap into Now. If earthly life was really a hologram and we moved within parallel realities, then Now would also be the Past and Future. Something to think about…

I usually offer this metaphor when reminded we are supposed to remain in the Now and don’t dwell in the past or future, “Take a Breath and Welcome to the Future”.

In summary please be mindful that humanity is on the brink of vital discovery; that All is One and One is Love. Many of you have already been called to set your piece of the puzzle into its Divine Place. If you’re still struggling with what that looks like, you might consult the Cosmic Energies (Astrology is a great tool for this) and find your unique path and actions for success, spelled JOY!

If you’re interested in more discovery for your personal Cosmic Connections, consider an Astrological Consultation with Thia