Divinely One is preparing to take its place in the education and healing arenas to shine Light and Wisdom on the Awakening Souls who vibrate to the dissolution of duality, therefore, embracing the One within each and All. Duality comes in many forms:

Good and Bad – Live and Die – Boy and Girl – Parent and Child
Learn and Ignore – Forgive and Resent – Love and Hate – Give and Take

androgyny venus mars symbolThere are endless examples of how humanity creates and lives in a world culture of separation through duality. One of those divisions that’s front and center at this time is gender, not sex, but gender. Two of the presentations Thia currently gives are titled “A Perspective on Androgyny,” and “It’s Not About Sex!” The latter is meant to add a little humor, and it always gets folks attention, but the truth is that by definition in the dictionary, sex and gender are synonymous. Unfortunately, the social culture automatically presupposes that sex in relation to Androgyny defines sexuality…and that’s just not true.

Androgyny in its purest form is defined as gender neutral. This is not a concept designated to what is now known as the “Alphabet People” (GLBTA…). Androgyny is actually an ancient status of all humans and other energy beings, and simply means some blend of both masculine and feminine characteristics and behaviors. As a point of reference in scientific terms, Androgyny was the order of existence in earlier civilizations on earth. Some perceive the Alphabet Group as being forerunners of humanity living as Androgynous beings. This is yet to be revealed. Unfortunately, this presents the group with complex struggles to overcome. Great strides have been made in the past few years, and there’s still understanding and acceptance yet to come in order to achieve a state of harmony. Being forerunners is not the easiest path in the greater scheme of Soul work. This is not new to humanity…all forerunners have met with initial challenge.

All men are not from Mars and all women are not from Venus, however, each individual has some blend of these energies, which we refer to as “active” and “receptive.” It doesn’t mean everyone will have a balance because all are unique individuals with distinctive cosmic connection to Universal Energies. Most importantly, it is essential that we learn about our own blended active and receptive nature so it can assist in the tasks, challenges, and joy of daily living. Blended gender energy is not expected to be evenly distributed in our experiences, however, having a clear understanding of knowing how and when these energies are accessible assists in our daily actions and how they are received, first by the individual and then others.

As an example, if you are a very “active” i.e., assertive, female seeking a relationship with a male partner, it’s an excellent tool to know when your active energies are going to attempt to overpower. You don’t intend to be a bully, however, it’s perceived as such at times, and complicates the partnering journey. Does this example make anyone uncomfortable?

On the other end of the spectrum, if retreating from confrontation and finding solutions within your own realm of self-discovery is the “go to” route, then it’s a receptive response, sometimes perceived as escaping. Yes…escape is a very real disadvantage in a healthy relationship; however, understanding the behavior might just be a receptive response, therefore not a deal breaker. This brings the solution back to understanding and acceptance of energy presence and flow or surge. “Know Thyself” is not a just a motto for some to explore. It is a Universal Truth from Ancient Wisdom which is the foundation of higher consciousness.

Come join the journey of discovery with Divinely One as it lays the groundwork for personal and group expression of Androgyny. For those who are forerunners of this “new concept,” it’s a process of “remembering.” Remembering all things came from One (the big bang), and All Things (energy) will return to One (Source as you understand it). It doesn’t have to be a daunting task since others have initiated and focused Light upon the path. It can be a great awakening to being One, and offers a vast passageway to healing on multiple levels. Healthy relationships of all kinds depend on each person knowing their strengths and challenges. Then it requires a mutual understanding and acceptance of the attributes in others. Simply said…perplexing to implement.

Join us at an upcoming event.