Ginny SomersOur own “Wild Ginger” was called home on October 2, 2016.  She followed her star right off the planet in the loving presence of her daughter, Kate.  She leaves a loving wife, Anne Paul, daughter Kimberly, a granddaughter, and many friends.

It is with great sadness I share this information with the Divinely One family.  Virginia was one of the Founders of Divinely One and a contributor to concepts and programs currently under development.  Personally for me, Virginia was a great support and teacher, from the time I met her when I arrived in Asheville, NC in 2012.

Virginia, also known as Ginny and Ginger, was a lifetime Truth seeker and teacher.  She offered nurturing and guidance to all that were along her path and open to the wisdom.  With decades of astrology and Ageless Wisdom expertise beaming through her thoughts and words, she was a wealth of wise and powerful knowledge.  Always reaching for the highest consciousness available to her, she was an excellent role model for living and leaving.

She is greatly missed…yet only a breath and a breeze away. Temple in Spiritually 1



VIRGINIA the Wild Ginger 

As the electrical and eclectic planet of Uranus

Approached the North Node at the peak and

The small yet powerful Pluto energy of transformation traversed your day to day life 

You slipped away in a quick, yet powerful manner

Donning your wings and your incredulous wit

You left us again in total awe of your gentle way of loving us

Grateful now and Always for you in our lives 

As my friend, teacher, and companion

I proudly shared Sag Mouth Enlightenment with you

And recognized your brilliance about life

The planets, the pets, the children, the students

All embracing your Angel Light and supportive approach 

Be Free as you learned so long ago

Grounded in Taurus, Abundant with Love and Play in Leo

And now you’ve reached that lofty goal in Sagittarius

You fly high in the Stardust from whence you came


Thank you for your ever growing Light of Love and Wisdom

Until we meet again…Darling….



Rev. Thia McGinnis October 2016

Mt. Shasta, CA